Request for gear reporting at combat log


I was wondering, mostly toward @Kihra, if you could request from blizzard to report the Spec / Gear / Talent / Glyphs of the player at the new combatlog at Legion. It can be done on every fight start for example. This would enhance the reporting and evaluating alot :slight_smile:

EDIT: Nevermind! I have misread the blue bost ( Apparently it is reported.

I support this. The gear, talent, artifact, stats, etc. are shown in the Summary pane when you select a specific player.

Haven’t so far combat logged at alpha. I need to do it then :slight_smile:

Hello!!! Well im trying to find where i can see the talents - gear - glyphs of a player in a combat log but no luck! I go to summary panel click my name and i see only Damage Done By Ability, Healing Done By Ability and Damage Taken By Ability :confused: .
Can you please guide me step by step how and where to find it?
Thank you!

Hello!!! Well im trying to find where i can see the talents - gear - glyphs of a player in a combat log but no luck! I go to summary panel click my name and i see only Damage Done By Ability, Healing Done By Ability and Damage Taken By Ability :confused: .
Can you please guide me step by step how and where to find it?
Thank you!

This is coming in Legion. The combat log in Warlords of Draenor doesn’t contain this information.

Ahhh thank you for fast reply. im doomed i cant see what someone uses so i have an idea for better performance. Not a chance to add it a bit faster, like now? ^^ :slight_smile:

Gear and talents aren’t in the combat log for Warlords of Draenor, so no, I can’t add this support in WoD.

Ok thank you friend! Another reason to look forward for Legion! :wink:

@Kihra Is there an eta for having this information added to the events api? No rush obviously, just was curious.

It should be there?

Yeah, apologies. Turns out it was a problem with the particular log I was looking at. It’s definitely there for others.
