Hey, 1-2 days ago I logged Wrathion, Maut & Skitra on heroic with advanced combat logging on. I have never had any issues with logs before but the one time I get 3 legendary healing parses they don’t upload/rank?
I’m Vehon & hers the log: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/FG6Ndj2rM1YXymp3#fight=6&playermetriccompare=statistics&playermetric=dps&playermetrictimeframe=today
I have also tried reuploading the logs & exporting several times but the log still just states ‘‘there are no ranks in this report for this boss’’ and the legendary parses isn’t saved.
Furthermore, this is a personal log and not connected to my guild incase you’re wondering if my guild is in stealth mode.
I would REALLY appreachiate help with this!