Wrong progress result for CN-迈克斯纳 server


There are some wrong progresses result for our server ‘CN-迈克斯纳’.

Our server opened the AQ40 gate at 6:54 a.m. 13th of August(Beijing time).

Our guild '被遗忘的图腾 ’ killed C’thun at 9:59 a.m. 13th of August,as the first down of the server.

However the progress result shows that other 2 guilds have already uploaded their combat logs at 5th/10th of August. By that time Dungeon of AQ was not even opened in CN-迈克斯纳.

We found we are not the only one with such problem.

As other players have found out the reason that some of transfer players uploaded their logs to the previous server. Please remove the wrong progress in CN-迈克斯纳.

There should be a way to updata the server for those transfer guilds.

Link of our FD report as below:

Please remove the wrong progress.

We are looking forward to your reply.

Thank you.

Please send all this info to support@warcraftlogs.com, thanks.