Wrong progress result for CN-沙顶 server

Hi there,

Here is the situation:

My server ‘CN-沙顶’ opened the AQ40 gate at 2:00 a.m. 11th of August(Beijing time).

Our guild '黎明审判 ’ killed C’thun at 4:47 a.m. 11th of August,as the first down of the server.

However the progress result shows that other 2 guild have already uploaded their combat log at 6th/9th of August. By that time Dungeon of AQ was not even opened in CN-沙顶.

It’s really frustrating when you got FD of the server at 4a.m. with a wrong record.

I guess its because some of transfer players uploaded their logs to our server. Please remove their logs or just make things correct.

Link of progress result as below:


Players from Chinese guild 黎明审判

I removed these for you.

Cheers brother for such quick reaction