Unable to download client

When I click on the link for the Win 7/8/10 version of the client download, I get a new chrome tab that opens with the following:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

AccessDenied Access Denied D645A8DED81D2E40 eP7/vBrfQfP/piddJErAX41WJY0Ch1+s6N42gH0x/On5P9r0KTtcWqTzja6TSqGSmWjdLsZqKW0=

Can anyone figure out why and tell me if there’s another route to get the Warcraft Logs client? Thanks!


I also have been unable to download the upload client but the error that pops up for me is:

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

Access Denied


Also having the same problem and same error.


Access Denied



Yeah, PECL is (astonishingly) down all day today, which has broken our ability to deploy anything to the Web site, and we were in the process of adjusting those download links when this happened. Until it comes back up, we can’t deploy or do anything to fix the Web site itself.

These are the links for now so you can download by hand:

Mac: https://github.com/RPGLogs/Uploaders-warcraftlogs/releases/download/v4.6.2/Warcraft-Logs-Uploader-4.6.2.dmg
Windows: https://github.com/RPGLogs/Uploaders-warcraftlogs/releases/download/v4.6.2/Warcraft-Logs-Uploader-Setup-4.6.2.exe

Mac: https://github.com/RPGLogs/Uploaders-fflogs/releases/download/v4.6.2/FF-Logs-Uploader-4.6.2.dmg
Windows: https://github.com/RPGLogs/Uploaders-fflogs/releases/download/v4.6.2/FF-Logs-Uploader-Setup-4.6.2.exe

Mac: https://github.com/RPGLogs/Uploaders-esologs/releases/download/v4.6.2/ESO-Logs-Uploader-4.6.2.dmg
Windows: https://github.com/RPGLogs/Uploaders-esologs/releases/download/v4.6.2/ESO-Logs-Uploader-Setup-4.6.2.exe