Guild Control Requests

Game : World of Warcraft
Guild Name : Фьярнскаггл - Гордунни EU

Current GM Куртаель account name Dvard

Thanks for the help

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: Faith no More - Quel’Thalas US

I’m rank 2 and the ‘guy in the chair’ uploading the logs. I need to recover guild control in warcraftlogs because our GM doesn’t do this work. I’m currently listed as member but I need to be administrator to manage the logs.

Game: WoW
Guild Name: Fade - Mal’Ganis US

Someone not even in the guild has created the guild on wcl. I am the GM of Fade and need control. In-game characters Dréame / Túrnt(actually toon with GM, rank 0). Dreame is wcl username.


I need guild control to use webhook.

World of Warcraft
Déjà vu - Krasus (EU)
Character Nanakih

Thank you

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild: Wächter Azeroths
Realm: Un’Goro - EU
Character: Thiran

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: ACE - 伊森利恩-CN
thanks for help

i really need some help too if possible. someone got some help so far? human growth hormone
game world of warcraft and guild FAQ
thanks for everything

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: Metaphor X - EU
GM of the guild, logs page created by an inactive member, kindly help.


Affiliates of Acherus / Emerald Dream-US
I’m an officer in the guild and trying to setup Discord webhook but do not have that option.
Character Name: Rurlik

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: 戒灵 - 血色十字军 and

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: 戒灵
No one still in the guild has the access to the currently created one so requesting the control of the page to be able to log asap.or could you please delete these guilds we can create a new one

Game: WoW
Guild: 七月流火 - 国王之谷 (CN)

The guilt on WCL was created by an uknown person ages ago, It contains none log currently. I’m the log officer of our guilt, my character name is “噬魂之寒”.

Thanks for the help.

Here there :slight_smile:

Game is World of Warcraft :slight_smile:

I am the new Guild Owner of the Guild Lionscave on the EU Server Antonidas

But i dont can control the Existing Guild Profil on the Warcraftlogs Homepage…

Would so nice if you can help me

greetings Cãssidy

Game: WoW
Guild: Moriquendi on EU-Dun Morogh
Character: Crösus
I am the GM of the guild. I’d like to take control of it.

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: 江湖过客 on CN - 影之哀伤
my WCL username: InJune_
I am a member of the guild and want to help my GM to take control of the guild.
Thanks a lot.

Game: Final Fantasy XIV
Guild Name: Catgirls’ Generation (on Tonberry)
Username on FFLogs: darrylchan
My Character Name: Kaguya Shinomiya
Previous owner of guild is on hiatus. I am the new leader of the guild. Would like to upload logs on to our guild instead of creating a ‘static’

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: Самый Ценный Игрок (Самый_Ценный_Игрок/).
The guild account on Warcraftlogs was created long ago by other player and now I as the current Guild Master and Raid Leader( want to receive control of Guild account.
Thank you/

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: Kalimdor Fried Chicken (
The guild account on Warcraftlogs was created long ago by other player and now I as the current officer but I do not have access to guild settings (same issue for the GM)
Can you give me the control?
Thank you/

Game: World of Warcraft
Guild Name: Artéfacts (
The guild account on Warcraftlogs was managed by Nyshanx who was officer. He is not playing anymore and forgor to give the control to an active player.
Can you give the control to me (or to the GM if it is not possible) ?ân
Thank you.

(1) The game: WoW
(2) Your guild’s name: “Ultio Sanguineus” and the server: EU - Gul’dan

I am Officer with Rank 3 because honor member (but inactive member) has guildrank 1 and 2.

My Char:
The Guild on Warcraftlogs: