False report - please remove it!

On the 辛迪加, the gate of Ahn Qiraj is opened at 10 Aug, and the first guild completed 9/9 progress is 魔都. that why most of the guild have completed 9/9 Ahn Qiraj after 10 Aug.

However, recently, 虚荣少年 upload a report claims that they have done 9/9 progress before the opening of Ahn Qiraj, which is obviously wrong.

Besides, on their Calender https://classic.warcraftlogs.com/guild/id/513494/, there is no fight report recorded on 8 Aug.

Finally, this guild has Sharman character but it shows as Alliance.

Combine all, this report is obviously a false report. please remove it.


Send this info to support@warcraftlogs.com thanks