Expression Syntax for Sunder Stack Query

This is for the vanilla version for a vanilla raid. I want to show the total sunders done < 5 stacks by each member of the raid in warcraft logs. I tried chatgpt who suggested I plug in: type = “applydebuff” and = “Sunder Armor” and stack < 5 to the expression filter, but that unfortunately didn’t work. I would think going to Casts and typing a new filter of = “Sunder Armor” and stack < 5 would be sufficient, but when I do that it just shows the total sunder armor and no filters. Appreciate it.

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Hi there. I’d recommend using an IN RANGE filter for this.

type = “cast” AND = “11597” AND NOT IN RANGE FROM type = “applydebuffstack” AND = “11597” AND stack = 5 TO type= “removedebuff” AND = “11597” GROUP BY target ON target END

Use this and look at the Casts tab. This should only show Sunder Armor used when the target does not have 5 stacks.

Oh thanks for replying!! That’s way over my head haha. When I put it in and try to validate, this is what I get “Error encountered: line 1, column 8: expression expected, EOF encountered.”

Where are you trying to enter it? Can you link the log?

Sure, I got to casts and put it in under filter. You can use any wow vanilla log, such
as say Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

Oh sorry, the forum quote changed all the " to ”, smh.

This works fine Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

type = "cast" AND = "11597" AND NOT IN RANGE FROM type = "applydebuffstack" AND = "11597" AND stack = 5 TO type= "removedebuff" AND = "11597" GROUP BY target ON target END

Amazing! This is so great. I can’t thank you enough.