I am playing with the API v2 and I am struggling to get a specific piece of information that my raid leader would be interested in checking for every log that we upload.
In the web, you can add “?type=damage-done&boss=-2&difficulty=0” to the report URL to get the table data for damage done for all the Kills and Wipes of the report. Additionally, you can see the DPS and Ilvl % columns on the right-hand side. I am being unable to retrieve that data from the API. I can calculate the DPS as “total damage” / “totalTime”, and it does match the values shown on the webpage, however for the Ilvl % column, I have no idea how to obtain that directly from the API or through any calculation.
Any hint would be appreciated.
So far my query code is the following (I am filtering for a specific character (sourceID: 22) to reduce the length of the response, but the behavior is the same for the complete data):
query = “”“query($code:String!){
report(code:$code) {
table(dataType:DamageDone, killType:Encounters,startTime:0, endTime:9999999999 viewBy: Source, sourceID: 22)
Thank you!