Ranking API
This is expecting the “slug” for serverName from the Blizz API. I’m on Area 52, the slug for it is “area-52”, and the warcraftlogs api is returning invalid server name. I’ve confirmed my powershell construct is working by using a different slug name.
Check it against your web API preview it doesn’t like hyphenated slug realm names. Check US region. I’m also confirming it’s not working through powershell either. I checked 3 hyphenated realm slug names with valid player characters, all returned invalid server errors.
If characters do not exist on Warcraft Logs, then you will get this message. Hyphenated slugs work just fine. You’re just querying characters that Warcraft Logs has no knowledge of.
Hello, sorry to dig this out but I’m having issues with my fellow team mates that are on ner’zhul (notify the apostrophe, not a single quote).
From the battle.net api we’re having: