Use the Russian slug. It’s annoying but slugs are actually localized, so my API expects you to use the same locale for the slug as the locale the server is in.
Thanks for quick response. Russian slug really works with russian realms (like Свежеватель Душ), but not with all of them (i.e. Ревущий Фьорд). After some time I figured out that the problem is with all realms that contain “й” in their names. So, in order to it starts working you should replace “й” with “и”. So, for example, slug for “Ревущий Фьорд” looks like “ревущии-фьорд”. I don’t know if it should be like that or it’s a mistake, but I wrote it for people who will face the same problem.
Oh crap! Thanks a lot for your answer.
Blizzard just sucks on this one:
Nerzul EU with local fr_fr
Nerzul EU with local en_en