Hello! I was just wondering if you would possibly be able to tell me if this error message is normal (or how we can circumvent it). We’ve been trying to upload our Sigmascape parses from January 31st, but we keep getting the following error:
“Error: Line 1 - This log file was created with an old version of the ACT plug-in. Please upgrade your plug-in to v1.6.2.4 or higher. You can split your log file if it contains a mixture of outdated and current fights.”
We have tried splitting (which uploads “invisible” parses with no data) and re-importing the logs, but neither option worked. However, when I check the rankings page, there are logs from the 31st listed. Do you know how other groups have been able to get their logs uploaded?
Any help would be truly appreciated, thank you!
EDIT: We all have the updated version of ACT and any new parses from the 1st go through just fine, but nothing on the 31st uploads.