Parses Showing 0%

About halfway through our raid, all the parses on my character page disappeared with my “not locked in” parses and began showing 0. Not sure what’s going on with that.

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Good evening! Just chiming in that you’re not alone. The same thing with us in our Ulduar run, parses started showing as 0s mid-way through and then it invalidated the entire log. I also went back and looked at prior ulduar raids and everything there is also now zeroes.

I uninstalled the version of WarcraftLogs Uploader i was using (version 5.9) and installed the newest one (version 6.0), and noticed all the kills were flagged in the uploader as “Undefined Kills”

Here is my character sheet:

Here is our most recent raid:

All zeroes

Hello. We just recrawled and are rebuilding history for Ulduar as we’ve made a few changes. This means parses will show as 0% etc until that is completed. Join us on Discord - Warcraft Logs to stay up to date :slight_smile: