So, for a fair while now I’ve been having issues uploading my logs. They still record just fine and everything. The problem is that when i go to upload any logs, or even to live log, I get a message that reads Error: Connection to server lost. Quit the app and try again.This has been going on for quite some time now. I had previously been able to upload with no issues whatsoever, but for some months I have been getting this error message. I have tried uninstalling warcraftlogs.air, adobe air, clearing my registry after doing so, but any number of this I have tried has not been successful. Not really sure what else I could even do. Logs are still writing just fine, as I’ve had to send my log files to friends or guildies on occasion for them to be uploaded.
You need to fix Windows Networking to allow cookies to be set. Adobe AIR uses Windows stuff (e.g., Internet Explorer/Edge etc.).
I’ll go through and give that a shot thanks!.
Edit: Everything appears to be operational now thank you lol. Not quite sure when that setting got changed but it works now