IMy raid team has been able to load there Numbers to fflogs but for some reason it will not upload for me
It will show my story mode but not my sigmascape savage uploads
IMy raid team has been able to load there Numbers to fflogs but for some reason it will not upload for me
It will show my story mode but not my sigmascape savage uploads
Need a report URL to check.
I hope these are what you are looking for new to all this
The algorithm finds two Adam Blades with level 70 warrior, neither of which is on the tie breaking server, so it has to just give up.
So I’m guessing getting a name change would help?
Or just making sure someone uploads the log from the same server as you.
rip the one who uploads is from another server, my whole raid group is
But the name change would work too yea?
Yes, a unique name is the best bet.
Done and done thank you for your time