Hey there,
This has been a thing for as long as I can remember FFlogs existing but FFlogs counts echo towards damage which is a big thing for fights like ex trials, where you can stack it up to 25%.
Here are some examples of the same group doing it on Titania and Innocence Ex:
Titania: https://www.fflogs.com/reports/6xrDZqMnB2LfdAFK#fight=16&type=damage-done
Now, these clears do not show up under speed, but the players’ dps rankings do exist. These makes it practically impossible to compete for damage rankings without also stacking 25% echo. That requires wiping 5 times after 3mins of the encounter.
I’m unsure how the community feels about this, as ex trials are not really competitive like savage is, but for the few people that aim to get dps rankings it just seems completely unfair in my opinion that groups do this kind of stuff.
Is there no way to remove echo from logs or make logs with echo not valid for rankings?
Thanks for reading!