Cant Install FFlogs

I recently cloned my SSD to a new one so i can give to my friend and im trying to reinstall fflogs but everytime at the end it says it gave me an error and wouldnt install, i have reinstalled Adobe AIR and it still gives me this error, any suggestions?

I had this issue too, also on a recently cloned SSD. I hope the following could help save others a bit of frustration. (Assuming Windows 10)

You will need to check the installation logs to find out what kind of problem it is having.
First you can check here:

Make an installation attempt and check the latest error. In my case, I had an error at an MSI package. It was error 1603. From what I understand it’s an unknown fatal crash when attempting to install an MSI package.

You could find the latest log for MSI package installations in:

My issue was that it could not touch the Start menu folder during installation:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
This is despite me ticking “do not create a start menu link”.

I suspect the perms problem is common for others on a recently cloned SSD.

Go to that Start Menu folder, properties, security tab.
Advanced > Owner
Change the owner to yourself (I hope you are an admin).
You should then set Full Control permissions to “SYSTEM” and Administrators.
You can choose to change this back later after you’ve finished installing it. Make sure the perms update is recursive on all folders down.

That should stop the fatal crash, if it’s still happening, repeat checking the logs and debugging until you get there.