Hi, so I find it very fun to rank dps with my resto shaman on normal and heroic NH (and previous raids for that matter). Now my problem is that on some bosses, when i check who is the rank 1 already, they are often ranked as restoration, but they use all of the spells an elemental or enhancement shaman uses. Not only are they taking the rank 1 spot with way more dps than a resto could do, but they are lowering the allstar points drasticly. When I get 110 allstar points with rank 2, its just really annoying.
So basicly it would just be nice to have them cleaned up a bit so that we can get the false logs out of the way so that we restos can rank fairly again.
In case it saves anyone time in helping here, I’ll list all the highly ranked people that are not actual restos:
Chronomatic: Phedd - Elemental, Aqualad - Enhancement.
Trilliax: Abarasa - Eleental, 嘿丶那个大爷 - Elemental.
Chronomatic: Nerflosqt - Elemental
Trilliax: Øutplayed - Elemental, Wolfstalker - Enhancement.
Spellblade: Morbidity - Elemental, Deeku - Elemental, 嘿灬咝 - Elemental.
Krosus: Anadala - Enhancement.
Elisande: 败类一独翔 - Elemental, Galor - Enhancement
There are examples in lfr too, not in mythic though as far as I could tell.
That was those I found after a quick seethrough. There should maby be some sort of check that verifies the spells used in a given spec.
Cheers, Hàxor @ Defias Brotherhood. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/209130/11/#metric=dps