I see there has been a somewhat recent change to the resources tabs and it has many more options (clearly from modern/retail) in the Cataclysm version of WCL. The frustrating thing for me is that ‘mana’ no longer works like it did before; i can’t figure out how to see mana percentage over the course of the fight. it looks like it’s only logging ‘gains’, which is… not really that helpful, comparatively. Is there a way around this?
The resource tab hasn’t changed; it just takes the resources logged by Blizzard. Can you link a log where you’re having issues seeing mana throughout the fight? That should still be present in the graph for Cataclysm logs, and it seems to work fine on the logs I’m looking at.
I can’t actually link a log (well, i ‘CAN’, but I’m not allowed to since it is a private ptr log) but that got me thinking that this may just be affecting cata ptr logs right now? here’s a redacted screenshot:
as soon as you mentioned it, that clicked for me that it is likely only ptr logs. can confirm FL logs are as expected. PTR logs have the resource list from retail:
Yeah, looks like it’s not logged properly on the PTR servers, but that might not be the case on live as it’s a different client.