Hello everyone! I have a strange situation here. I have uploaded some personal logs, and this is showing for everyone but not for me. Do you have any idea?
Logs: Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft
My Character: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/85903483
I have validated the following points:
- Advanced Combat Logging is enabled.
- Logs are Public
- Logs are being upload to TWW expansion.
- All the other raid members have their logs but not me.
In the raid there is people from Area 52, Ragnaros and I am from Mal’Ganis
ps: My character has one realm transfer, and I do see some other logs in my profile from someone else.
I have sent an email to the support team, but hope someone in the community has any idea of this,
#Logs not showing on character