Logs not visible odd error

i raided on an alt and im confused as to why my alt logs are not visible. I dont play retail so im unable to login and find this setting for enable achivements but its visible on retail only per video. Any Help or ideas please?

I’ve included two images that our raid logger was able to send and confirm to me. This is for my paladin judgejuicy


Link me to the report, please. And tell me the character’s server as well. The screenshots hide the information I need.

Thank you,


Judgejuicy horde paladin mankrik


You got too many external buffs, invalidating your parse.

You can read more about our external rules here:

Hope this clears things up!


what external buffs did i have?? i run ret per wowhead to the best of my ability and i dont think we had a disc priest to give other buffs like infusion ?? does it tell me what buffs are considered external?

but also why cant i see any logs was my first clear entirely invalidated?

You got Unholy Frenzy, which is restricted to self-cast only.