Create Account for warcraftlogs broken?

Tried to sign up for a new account on warcraftlogs but am getting an error saying:
Expected response code 250 but got code “”, with message “”

Is there any way to get around this?


Same here, Can’t seem to be able to sign up.

Me neither…can’t seem to create an account getting the same error…on Chrome.

I’ve been waiting on an activation email for 4 days now and I can’t resend activation any longer. I’m getting the same error message posted above

Email sending limits have been overwhelmed since 2000+ people have been trying to sign up per day. (Of course everyone waits until right before raids start instead of signing up during the 3 week lull lol.)

I am in the process of beefing up the email system so that it can once again have arbitrary sending limits. Will try to get this working by tomorrow.

An update on this. I have signed back up for Mandrill and am waiting for the DKIM and SPF records to go through on DNS. Once that happens, email should start working again (and no longer be subject to any sending limits).

Thank You Kihra, I really appreciate your help and speedy response

Thanks Kihra, looks like I was able to get the account generated now.