3/4 logs are missing


For 2-3 weeks, evertime i log a raid in wow classic, 3/4 of the fights are missing in the logs.
I am using the manual after raid upload.
Is there a solution?

My second question is : is it possible to add pick up personnal logs and add it to my guild logs?

Many thanks in advance :wink:

Are you logging from China? Been trying to figure out why some people are having really buggy logs from there, but have been unable to reproduce the issue. I assume it has something to do with slow connection or poor connectivity.

:smiley: not at all. I am from belgium and my connection is very good, i am fiber connected.

I found out that in fact the log are not automatically logged at the first pull of trahs mob in the raid.
Préviously everything was logged automatically. And now, i dont know why, the log start in the middle of the raid OR when i do /combatlog manually