2 questions, red rankings and points on fights in Ulduar

Hello all,
First, red rankings on overall logs means there was some sort of mechanic done that has since been hotfixed, Is that correct? If not, please enlighten me.
Second, there are points for each mode of Ulduar, seems like 1, 3 and 5. How are they differentiated? For instance, there is only one type of hard mode on Mimiron, but there are 3 ranks.

I always get good responses, so thanks in advance!

Hi there. Red can mean quite a few things, so you have to link the specific log to get a specific answer.

I’m not sure what you mean by 3 ranks on Mimiron either, so if you can show screenshots or link what you’re referencing, that’d be helpful for providing an actual answer.

The points are 1 to 5. 5 being the highest points given for hardmodes, Mimiron for example gives 1 point for Normal and 5 points for Hardmode. Freya has multiple hardmodes, she gives 1 point for 0 trees, 3 points for 1 tree, 4 points for 2 trees, and 5 points for 3 trees.

You can read more in our articles: Ulduar Progress Rules | Warcraft Logs Classic and https://articles.classic.warcraftlogs.com/help/ulduar-25m-speedrun-rules

If you look at the overall progress list on Atiesh, it shows most of the top guilds have red around their progress.

Secondly those links tat you provided, are not easily accessible. When you click the help and info section, on the first page, you get this page Getting Started | Warcraft Logs Classic
There is no direct link to this page, on the home page, https://articles.classic.warcraftlogs.com/ which I would use and find extremely helpful and would not have come to the forum asking questions. Just a suggestion!

Red border around icons in progress just means there’s no public log it could find. Green means it’s clickable and there’s a log.

You can also go directly to articles through the header’s Latest News

I still think news is way different that rules and guidelines to parse.