SoD: Frost spec overhealing with chronostatic preservation parsing as healer mage (exploit or intended?)

Hi there,

I’ve been checking the healer mage logs and the rank 1 seems very fishy.
For two weeks in a row he seems to have been running frost (0-11-30) and doing chronostatic preservation (as only healing rune), overheal himself only and he gets logged as a healing mage (4.5k total raid healing may 30th raid, 528.0 actual healing).

This is the character I’m talking about:

You can take any fight out of the following logs:
30 may: Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

23 may: Warcraft Logs - Combat Analysis for Warcraft

For example the fight on Atal’alarion on 30th may (picked randomly):

On 0.14 he quickly casts chronostatic on himself to overheal, just to get logged as healing mage. This is the way to get your dps specs logged as a healing mage. Maybe it works as fire spec also?

Due to the huge dps difference between arcane and other specs, and frost only being able to heal with spellfrost bolt while doing dps, simply overhealing with chrono once to get logged as healer on every boss/full raid seems unfair. Especially since he’s not even using spellfrost as offensive healing but frostfire (which can’t heal as healing mage).

Is this considered an exploit or is this intended?


Not necessarily an exploit, but we needed a way to identify healer mages and by using the rune is the way we had to go about it.

Sadly, I cannot blacklist these logs, but you can check our Discussion in our Discord server here: Warcraft Logs searching for it will show you all the past discussions on the subject.

Hope this clears things up, have a great weekend!


Thanks for the answer.
Sadly this lowers the validity of WCL’s methodology imo.

Anyway, seems he got his rank taken away for now by an actual arcane healer mage.