I’m Solita, GM of The Dark Coven on Area 52 (US). My guild was claimed by someone no longer with us who used to run our logs. Is there a way to reset this so I can set it up for our loggers?
Edited to add Guild name properly
I’m Solita, GM of The Dark Coven on Area 52 (US). My guild was claimed by someone no longer with us who used to run our logs. Is there a way to reset this so I can set it up for our loggers?
Edited to add Guild name properly
GM of ???, name is omitted.
Sorry, The Dark Coven on Area 52 (US)
Hello im GM of my guild and I cant claim it, since it was claimd by some one else
Region: EU
Guild: Levitate
Server: Draenor
GM: Záralarsson
Please send mail to support@warcraftlogs.com with details and someone will help you.