[API v2] - requests limit per second/minute/hour

Please tell me the current limits on the number of requests per second/minute/hour.

According to the information found, the current limit is 3600 requests per hour, which is 1 request per second.

But I get error 429 after 300-400 such requests.

Information about the limit was also found - 240 requests in 120 seconds.

Using this limit I also get error 429(

I need to get data from my guild’s latest report, but I can’t figure out how to set up restrictions so as not to get an error.

I will be glad for any help, thank you!

(please, help me)

please check out the bottom of this url

it said as below:

The Version 2 API allows you to have multiple clients. You can manage your V2 clients here. Documentation for the Version 2 API can be found here.

Rate Limit: 3,600 points / hour Points Spent: xxxx.00 Points Reset In: 50 minutes

To raise your rate limit from 3,600 to 36,000 points per hour, you can subscribe on Patreon. Otherwise your limit is capped at 3,600 points per hour.

By generating and using API keys you agree to the API Terms of Use.